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  <%if request.querystring("type") <> "" then %> <% if request.querystring("type") = 1 then dim count count = 1 tt=0 'qry = "Select hid, htitle, to_char(newsdate,'dd/mm/yyyy') as newsdate1 From tblnewsheading where (instr(lower(htitle),'tender') = 0 and instr(lower(htitle),'situation vacant') = 0 and instr(lower(htitle),'bid') = 0 and instr(lower(htitle),'disposal') = 0 and instr(lower(htitle),'career opportunity') = 0) order by hid desc" 'qry = "Select hid, htitle, newsdate From tblnewsheading where (CHARINDEX('tender',lower(htitle)) = 0 and instr(lower(htitle),'situation vacant') = 0 and instr(lower(htitle),'bid') = 0 and instr(lower(htitle),'disposal') = 0 and instr(lower(htitle),'career opportunity') = 0) order by hid desc" qry = "Select hid, htitle, newsdate From tblnewsheading where (CHARINDEX('tender',lower(htitle)) = 0 and CHARINDEX('situation vacant',lower(htitle)) = 0 and CHARINDEX('bid',lower(htitle)) = 0 and CHARINDEX('disposal',lower(htitle)) = 0 and CHARINDEX('career opportunity',lower(htitle)) = 0 and CHARINDEX('Result',lower(htitle)) = 0) order by hid desc" set rsmain = conn.execute(qry) ' response.write(qry) while (not rsmain.eof) %> <% count = count + 1 rsmain.movenext wend %> <%end if%> <% if request.querystring("type") = 2 then dim count1 count1 = 1 tt=0 'qry = "Select hid, htitle, to_char(newsdate,'dd/mm/yyyy') as newsdate1 From tblnewsheading where (instr(lower(htitle),'tender') <> 0 or instr(lower(htitle),'bid') <> 0 or instr(lower(htitle),'disposal') <> 0) order by hid desc" 'qry = "Select hid, htitle, newsdate From tblnewsheading where (CHARINDEX('tender',lower(htitle)) <> 0 or CHARINDEX(lower(htitle),'bid') <> 0 or CHARINDEX(lower(htitle),'disposal') <> 0) order by hid desc" qry = "Select hid, htitle, newsdate From tblnewsheading where (CHARINDEX('tender',lower(htitle)) <> 0 or CHARINDEX('bid',lower(htitle)) <> 0 or CHARINDEX('disposal',lower(htitle)) <> 0 ) order by hid desc" set rsmain = conn.execute(qry) ' response.write(qry) while (not rsmain.eof) %> <% count1 = count1 + 1 rsmain.movenext wend %> <%end if%> <% if request.querystring("type") = 3 then dim count2 count2 = 1 tt=0 'qry = "Select hid, htitle, to_char(newsdate,'dd/mm/yyyy') as newsdate1 From tblnewsheading where (instr(lower(htitle),'situation vacant') <> 0 or instr(lower(htitle),'career opportunity') <> 0) order by hid desc" qry = "Select hid, htitle, newsdate From tblnewsheading where (CHARINDEX('situation vacant',lower(htitle)) <> 0 or CHARINDEX('career opportunity',lower(htitle)) <> 0) order by hid desc" set rsmain = conn.execute(qry) ' response.write(qry) while (not rsmain.eof) %> <% count2 = count2 + 1 rsmain.movenext wend %> <%end if%> <% if request.querystring("type") = 4 then dim count4 count4 = 1 tt=0 'qry = "Select hid, htitle, to_char(newsdate,'dd/mm/yyyy') as newsdate1 From tblnewsheading where (instr(lower(htitle),'Result') <> 0) order by hid desc" qry = "Select hid, htitle, newsdate From tblnewsheading where (CHARINDEX('Result',lower(htitle)) <> 0) order by hid desc" set rsmain = conn.execute(qry) ' response.write(qry) while (not rsmain.eof) %> <% count4 = count4 + 1 rsmain.movenext wend %> <%end if%> <%end if%>
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