Customer Services >> Complaint
<% if request("flag") = "bill" then %>
Billing Complaints
<% end if %> <% if request("flag") = "misc" then %>
Misc. Complaints
<% end if %>
Please fill in the below form for new complaint or
Click here
to view the status of your already posted complaint.
The fields marked with * (asterisks) are required.
<% IF request("flag") = "bill" THEN %>
Enter the Account/Ref. No. without spaces
*Account/Ref. No.:
" maxlength="15" size="20">
<% ELSE %>
<% END IF %>
*Complaint Type:
<% IF trim(request("ctype")) <> "" THEN response.write(cboCompType(trim(request("ctype")),request("flag"))) ELSE response.write(cboCompType(0,request("flag"))) END IF %>
*Complainant Name:
" size="20">
*Street Address:
" size="20">
<% IF trim(request("city")) <> "" THEN response.write(cboCity(trim(request("city")))) ELSE response.write(cboCity(0)) END IF %>
<% IF request("city") = "" THEN %>
------------- <% END IF %> <% IF trim(request("city")) <> "" THEN response.write(cboArea(trim(request("city")),0)) ELSE response.write("
") END IF %>
*E-mail Address:
" size="20">
Contact No.:
" size="20">
*Enter the details of your complaint here: